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Herpes simplex virus (HSV), based on the H129 strain, has been widely used as an anterograde tracer. After adding the modified HSV with a fluorescent protein, it can be used not only to efficiently label the connections between different brain regions but also can label the connections between peripheral and central.

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Thymidine nucleotide kinase (TK) is an essential component for HSV replication after infection of nerve cells. In the presence of TK, HSV can replicate and express the target gene in the cell, and its progeny virus will transport to the synapse, and then crosses the synapse into the downstream neuron, so as to realize multisynaptic tracing. When removed TK (TK-deleted), HSV-ΔTK can infect neurons, but can't replicate. We know that only viruses that can replicate have the ability to cross synapses, so HSV-ΔTK can’t cross the synapses. However, if we provide AAV virus as a helper to express TK protein first, the HSV-ΔTK can realize anterograde monosynaptic tracing.
 Multisynaptic tracing from the brain center to peripheral, or the lower to the higher brain region.
● Tracking peripheral organs' connections to the central nervous system
● Tracking the neural networks in disease or injury model.
● Changes in neural networks during neural development.