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Recombinant AAV (rAAV)

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Integrated AAV Offerings: From Cutting-Edge Products to Advanced Custom Services

Overcoming AAV Technology Challenges with Expertly Tailored Vector Design and Production 

Premade AAV Vectors for Gene Delivery

Premade AAV vectors offer a convenient solution for researchers conducting gene delivery experiments, such as gene therapy, gene editing, and gene regulation. At Biohippo, these vectors are available in a variety of serotypes, promoters, and reporters/transgenes, allowing researchers to select the most suitable vector for their specific research needs. With over a thousand known AAV serotypes, researchers can efficiently determine vector specificity for different cell types. Additionally, the availability of multiple promoters with reporter genes enables easy monitoring and tracking of gene expression levels and timing.

To ensure the highest quality and purity, our partners employs various assays to evaluate their premade AAV vectors. These include qPCR titer assays to measure the concentration of AAV particles carrying the desired transgene, endotoxin testing to assess bacterial contamination, SDS-PAGE gel analysis to determine particle purity, and infectivity assays to evaluate the efficiency of cell transduction. The high purity and quality of these premade AAV vectors offer several advantages, including reduced optimization, less labor, and minimized expertise requirements, ensuring reliable and consistent results for both in vitro and in vivo applications.

We extensive catalog features over 2,000 premade AAV vectors, offering combinations of different genome types (ssAAV or scAAV), more than 22 serotypes, over 50 promoters (CAG, CMV, EF1a, hSyn, GFAP, NSE, CaMKII, etc.), fluorescent proteins (EGFP, mCherry, TdTomato), and reporters (Gluc, Cluc, Fluc, Rluc). These vectors are available for individual purchase or as part of a testing kit. Additionally, we offer custom AAV design and packaging services, capable of producing any known serotype or variant tailored to research needs.

Premade AAV Serotypes and Target Tissues/Cells

The following table provides a view of premade AAV serotypes that are suitable for targeting specific tissues and cell types, helping researchers choose the most appropriate vectors for their studies.

Target Tissue/Cell Effective AAV Serotypes
Adrenal glands AAV9, AAV10
Renal tissue AAV9
Skeletal muscles AAV1, AAV2, AAV4, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9, AAV10, AAV11
Cardiomyocytes AAV1, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9
Endothelial vascular smooth muscle AAV1, AAV2, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV7, AAV8, AAV9
Inner ear cells AAV1, AAV2, AAV6, AAV8
Retinal cells AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV8, AAV9, AAV10
Central Nervous System (CNS) AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV8, AAV9, AAV10
Airway Epithelium AAV2, AAV5
Hepatocytes AAV2, AAV8
Salivary Glands AAV2, AAV9
Pancreatic cells AAV1, AAV2, AAV8
Small intestine cells AAV4, AAV5, AAV9
Colon cells AAV5, AAV9
Lymph nodes AAV9, AAV10
Testis cells AAV4, AAV9

Newly added AAV Serotypes and Target Tissues/Cells

The following table provides a view of on new serotypes that have specific targeting capabilities, particularly for the central nervous system and brain-related applications.

New Serotype Target Tissue/Description
AAV/11 Efficient retrograde targeting of projection neurons.
AAV/B10 Central Nervous System (CNS), suitable for the central nervous system, can cross the blood-brain barrier.
AAV/B22 Central Nervous System (CNS), suitable for the central nervous system, can cross the blood-brain barrier.
AAV/Mac Efficiently transfects the central nervous system of non-human primates and can cross the blood-brain barrier (intravenous injection).
AAV/BR1 Targeting brain vascular endothelial cells.
AAV/BI30 Targeting brain vascular endothelial cells.

All the AAV serotypes listed above, including the newly available options such as AAV/11, AAV/B10, AAV/B22, AAV/Mac, AAV/BR1, and AAV/BI30, can be selected when ordering our premade rAAVs. These serotypes are designed to target specific tissues and cells, providing you with versatile options for your gene delivery and research needs. Whether you're focusing on CNS applications, retrograde targeting, or vascular endothelial cells, we have a suitable AAV serotype ready to support your project.

Request and Production Guide

Submit your needs to us by clicking the AAV Service Forms in the side menu or email us at [email protected] and our scientific and production team will design your vector and provide you with a price quote. Or, for any customers who decide to make use of viruses as nucleotide sequence delivery tools, our scientists will work with you step by step from the design of a study to viral manufacturing to facilitate your research.

AAV Products categorized by function

Our pre-made AAVs are categorized by functions such as Biosensors, Chemogenetics, Controls, Optogenetics, and Recombinases, aiding researchers in selecting the appropriate AAV products for different research applications.

Chemogenetics AAV

Chemogenetics is an innovative technique that combines genetic engineering with the use of specific chemical compounds to control cell activity, particularly in neuroscience and cell signaling studies. Chemogenetics AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors are designed to deliver genes encoding engineered receptors, such as Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs), into targeted cells or tissues. These engineered receptors are inert under normal physiological conditions but can be selectively activated or inhibited by synthetic ligands, allowing precise control over neuronal activity, signaling pathways, and cellular functions.

Chemogenetics AAV
Receptor Promoter Tag Activity Serotype
Activating Synapsin Fusion tags Cre-dependent AAV1
hM3D(Gq) DREADD CaMKIIa dTomato Flp-dependent AAV2
rM3D(Gs) DREADD CD68 EGFP Constitutive (non-cre dependent) AAV5
Inhibitory Dlx HA AAV8
hM4D(Gi) DREADD E2 regulatory element mCherry AAV9
KOR DREADD GFAP mCitrine Retrograde AAV
PSAM4 GlyR Non-fusion tags PHPeB

​Biosensor AAV

Biosensor AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors are powerful tools used to study dynamic biological processes in real time by delivering genes encoding biosensors into specific cells or tissues. These biosensors are genetically encoded fluorescent or luminescent proteins that can report changes in cellular environments, such as calcium levels, pH, voltage, neurotransmitter release, and other molecular interactions. When delivered using AAV vectors, these biosensors provide long-term and targeted expression in living cells or organisms, allowing researchers to monitor physiological changes with high precision.

Biosensor AAV
Calcium Sensors Promoter Tag Activity Serotype
GCaMP5G CAG,CAMKIIa,CMV,CRH dTomato Cre-dependent AAV1
GCaMp6s EF1α,GfaABC1D,GFAP,hSyn Flag-HA Flp-dependent AAV5
GCaMp6f mTH,nEF1α,OT,OXTR Cre and Flp-dependent AAV8
GCaMp6m PV Cre, Flp, and VCre-dependent AAV9
jGCaMp7 thy1 Constitutive (non-cre dependent) Retrograde AAV

Neurotransmitter sensor

Neurotransmitter sensor AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors are specialized tools designed to monitor neurotransmitter dynamics in real time within the nervous system. These AAV vectors deliver genes encoding genetically encoded neurotransmitter sensors (such as G-protein-coupled receptor-based sensors) to specific neurons or brain regions. These sensors can detect the release and uptake of neurotransmitters like glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and others, providing a powerful means to study synaptic transmission, neural circuit activity, and neurochemical signaling.

Neurotransmitter sensor
Neurotransmitter sensors GABA Sensor ATP Sensors Other Sensors Promoter
Dopamine Sensors iGABASnFR ATP1.0 CCK2.0 CAG
dLight1.1 Acetylcholine Sensors ATP1.0_mut AVP1.5 EF1α
DA1m ACh2.0 ATP1.1h eCB1.0 GfaABC1D
DA1h ACh4.3 ATP1.1m MT1.5 hSyn
DA1h mut ACh4.3_mut Serotonin Sensors SST1.5
DA4.4 Norepinephrine (NE) Sensors 5HT2.1(mutant) VIP1.0
Glutamate Sensor NE1m 5HT2.1
iGluSnFR(A184S) NE1h 5HT2B
iGluSnFR(A184S) NEmut 5HT6
iGluSnFR(A184S) NE3.1
Adenosine Sensors

Optogenetics AAV

Optogenetics AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors are revolutionary tools in neuroscience and cellular biology that enable precise control of cellular activity using light. Optogenetics involves genetically encoding light-sensitive proteins, such as channelrhodopsins, halorhodopsins, or opsins, into specific neurons or cells. When these proteins are expressed via AAV vectors, they allow researchers to activate or inhibit targeted cells with millisecond precision by simply shining light of specific wavelengths. This technique provides unprecedented control over neural circuits, cellular signaling pathways, and physiological processes.

Optogenetics AAV
Opsin Promoter Fluorophore Activity Serotype
Excitatory TBG GFP Cre dependent AAV1
Wild-type ChR2 CAG EGFP Flp dependent AAV2
ChR2/H134R CaMKIIa EYFP Cre and Flp dependent AAV5
soCoChR CMV mCherry Constitutive AAV8
ChR2/other mutants CS-CRM4-aMHC tdTomato AAV9
Chronos, Chrimson, ChRmine, ChroME, ChETA, C1V1 (t/t) D1 YFP AAVrg
Inhibitory D2 citrine PHPeB
Arch and variants EF1α mOrange
eNpHR and variants GFAP
Jaws hSyn
stGtACR Ki67
iC++ L7
Bidirectional PTH


Recombinase AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors are advanced tools used in genetic engineering to achieve targeted and precise DNA recombination in specific cells or tissues. These vectors deliver genes encoding recombinase enzymes, such as Cre, Flp, or Dre recombinases, which recognize specific DNA sequences (loxP, FRT, or rox sites, respectively) to catalyze the deletion, inversion, or translocation of genetic material. Recombinase systems are widely used to control gene expression, study gene function, and create conditional knockout or knock-in models.

Recombinases Promoter Tag
Cre CMV EF1α Mash1 3XFlag
CAG E-SARE mCD68 dsRed
CAR foxb1 Mecp2 EYFP
CB1 fPV mOXT Flag
CBh fSST mTH mCherry
cfos GAD67 Oxytocin
D1 hCD68 TH
D1(SP) HDC Tmem119
D2 hSyn TPH2
D2(ENK) Hypocretin TRE3G
Dlx5/6 L7 VGAT1
CreERT2 cfos Flag

Learn About Available Viruses at Biohippo

Rabies Virus (RV)

Neural Circuit Tracing

Biohippo offers a variety of viral vectors, including RV, HSV, PRV, and VSV, to replace conventional tracers with the highly efficient, more specific, and less invasive viral method.

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