BRAF is a member of the RAF family that is activated by members of the Ras family upon growth factor-induced stimulation. Active Ras can induce heterodimerization of cRaf and BRAF and this may explain the observed cooperativity of cRaf and BRaf in cells responding to growth factor signals . Activating mutations in the BRAF gene are present in a large percentage of human malignant melanomas and in a proportion of colon cancers. The vast majority of these mutations result in a valine to glutamic acid change at residue 599 within the activation segment of B-RAF .
Alternative Names
RAFB1 ; B-raf 1 ; MGC126806 ; MGC138284 ; BRAF1
N-GST tag
10 µg
Insect cells
Biological Activity Comment
The specific activity of BRAF was determined to be 74 nmol /min/mg as per activity assay protocol, using MEK1 as substrate.
Store product at –70°C. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.