The lIVer, which is mainly formed by highly specialized cells called hepatocytes, is the main metabolic organ of the body performing glycolysis, glycogenesis, amino acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, and ureagenesis. In addition,hepatocytes play a key role in elimination of toXic substances. Therefore, cultured human hepatocytes are perfectly suited for in VItro metabolism and detoXification studies. AcceGen Human Hepatocytes (HHpC) are produced at AcceGen's cell culture facility from the normal human lIVer tissue of single donors.Immediately after isolation, all AcceGen Human Hepatocytes are cryopreserved as freshly prepared cells using AcceGen's proprietary, serum-free freezing medium, Cryo-SFM. Each cryo VIal contains 3-6 million VIable cells with a guaranteed adherence rate of ; 50% after thawing.Note: Under standard in VItro cell culture conditions, mature human hepatocytes usually do not surVIVe for longer than 10-14 days and do not proliferate.
Primary Cells
For research use only
Dry Ice
Liquid Nitrogen
Quality Control
All cells test negatIVe for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi.