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Hieff™ Mouse Tissue Direct PCR Kit (With Dye)

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Common problem Possible   reason Solution
There were no bands in the positive   control and the samples to be tested. The PCR reaction system or reaction   conditions were not suitable. Use gradient PCR to explore the optimal   reaction conditions for PCR.
Improper storage of PCR reagents loses   activity. 2× Mouse Direct PCR Mix should be stored   at -20°C and avoid repeated freezing and thawing during use. If used   frequently, it can be stored at 4°C for a short time.
Primer design issues. Try redesigning the primers to check.
The positive control has a band of   interest, and the sample to be tested has no band or a weak band. Improper storage or prolonged storage can   cause loss of reagent activity. Use fresh reagents.
Add tissue lysate in excess. Increase the reaction system, or reduce   the amount of lysate.
The sample lysis mixture has been stored   improperly or stored for too long, and the DNA genome has been degraded. The lysate mixture can be stored at 4°C   for 2-3 days. Try to use a freshly prepared lysate mixture for PCR.
The amount of template added is not   suitable. The amount of template added was optimized   within the range of 1-10% of the reaction system.
Insufficient number of PCR cycles. Increase the number of PCR cycles,   preferably 35-40 cycles. Because of the complexity of the template, PCR   reactions should be performed with 5-10 more cycles than with purified DNA   template.
Nonspecific amplification PCR annealing temperature too low, cycle   number, primer concentration, or template concentration too high. Increase PCR annealing temperature and   decrease PCR cycle number, primer concentration or template concentration.
PCR primer mismatches. Redesign PCR primers.
The temperature is too high when preparing   the PCR reaction system or the time is too long after the preparation is   completed. The preparation of the PCR reaction system   is carried out at low temperature, and the PCR amplification reaction is   carried out as soon as possible after the preparation is completed.
Target band appears in negative control Contamination of operating tools or   reagents. All reagents or equipment in the   experiment should be autoclaved. Be careful and gentle when handling to   prevent the target sequence from being sucked into the sample gun or spilled   out of the centrifuge tube.
Cross-contamination between samples. Each sampler is only used for one sample;   or after taking one sample, immerse the edge of the sampler in 2% sodium   hypochlorite solution, rinse repeatedly, and then dry the residue with a   clean paper towel.