Touch screen control unit works as a main user interface for uMp micromanipulators, uMs microscope items and uMc pressure controllers. Touch screen display shows coordinates of controlled unit and also provide quick buttons and menus for use. The button front panel enables setting the whole system on sleep mode and back on.
On one uMp-TSC touch screen unit user can connect two uMp-RW3/4 wheel controllers. There is also plugs for two uMp-micromanipulators; to attach more one needs to add uMp-HUB on the system. By using uMp-HUBs user can add unlimited number of uMp-micromanipulators on one uMp-TSC unit.
Touch screen unit provide power for uMp-micromanipulator system, uMs- and uMc-products have individual power sources. uMp-TSC controller provides also connection to PC with etheet cable port.
Please note, that uMp-TSC touch screen unit includes uMp-CHG charger and uMp-ETH etheet cable, you dont need to order those separately.