Gene Synthesis Cost

Gene Synthesis Cost
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Moore’s Law has been applied and shown in various industries ranging from the tech industry to the biotech industry. Moore’s Law has most notably shown within the field of genetics when analyzing the cost of sequencing the human genome. The first whole genome sequencing was conducted on a human in the early 2000s, and costed approximately $100 million dollars. Over the past ten to fifteen years the technology used to sequence the human genome has expanded rapidly, allowing the cost of sequencing to drop significantly as well. The current cost of sequencing a whole human genome is approximately $1,000 dollars, less than 1% of the original cost ten to fifteen years ago. This rapid decline of cost clearly demonstrated a variation of Moore’s Law. Another aspect of genetics that follows Moore’s Law is gene synthesis cost per base pair. Gene synthesis is the engineering of a physical sequence of DNA in a laboratory setting. It has been applied and used in various fields of research with much success. Gene synthesis has had long lasting impacts on the field of genetics due to its unique ability to generate physical copies of genes with ease, efficiency, and accuracy. Similar to the drastic decline in the cost of sequencing a human genome, gene synthesis cost per base pair has dropped from approximately $10 a base pair to approximately $0.10 a base pair over the past 10 years. Similar to the decrease in cost for whole genome synthesis, gene synthesis cost has been driven down by an increase in technology and a large number of companies supplying this technology. At Synbio Technologies we pride ourselves as being one of the leading companies for gene synthesis with some of the lowest prices in the business with the highest quality output.
Although there has been a decrease in gene synthesis cost, there has been an opposite effect on the quality of the output. As cost has fallen, quality and potential gene lengths have risen. At Synbio Technologies we offer the ability to synthesize genes up to and including 150 Kb in length with one hundred percent accuracy. This is accomplished by our Syno Platform which offers sequence verification multiple times throughout each of the three phases. This process is carried out by use of Sanger sequencing to verify that the generated sequence is identical to the sequence requested by the customer. In addition to the quality, the applications of gene synthesis have increased drastically, causing it to increase in popularity. Gene synthesis is a popular method of research to develop more effective vaccinations as well as genetically modified organisms. All three of these aspects: decreased gene synthesis cost, increased applications, and quality are intertwined. Gene synthesis is a technology that is extremely effective and commonly used in many pipelines by many different researchers. It is a reliable, well tested and trusted technology that has changed genetics research for the better. Pair these advantages with the low gene synthesis cost and it is clear why this method has drastically risen in popularity throughout the genetics community.
The decrease in gene synthesis costs has also caused us at Synbio Technologies to offer some of the lowest prices per base pair with the highest quality output. At Synbio Technologies, we are confident and ready to provide the costumer with the highest quality sequence for the lowest price. The confidence is relying upon our, patent pending, Syno Platform which guarantees one hundred percent accuracy within the synthesized genetic sequenced. This is accomplished with the constant verification of sequence quality for accuracy. This platform in place we can effectively engineering your gene of interest with low cost to you. With the low gene synthesis cost you and your team will be better suited to conduct various types of genetic research specific to your interests.
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Synbio Tenchologies can also design sequencing with codon optimization software -NGTMCodon Optimization Technology at no cost.