The Scramble probe do not identifies any miRNA sequences orhuman mRNA sequence in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embeddedhuman tissues or freshly prepared frozen tissues by in situhybridization. The Scramble probe can be used as a negativecontrol for ISH assays.
The scramble probe sequence does not share homology withmiRNA sequences available in the miRBase database.
In Situ hybridization (ISH) allows the detection andlocalization of definitive nucleic acid sequences directly withina cell or tissue. High specificity is ensured through the actionof annealing of probe nucleic acid sequence to complementarytarget nucleic acid sequence. ISH techniques can be used toidentify infectious agents in tissue sections, to localize geneexpression within individual cells, or to detect specific nucleicacid sequences in cells.In ISH, fixed tissue sections are treated with nucleic acidretrieval solution to expose target nucleic acid sequences. Ahapten (fluorescein labeled probe) is hybridized to the exposedtarget nucleic acid sequences in the cells. Subsequent washingsteps remove any probe that is not bound or that is nonspecifically bound to the tissue section. Animmunohistochemical (IHC) procedure is then used to detectthe probe-target hybrid. (Downstream detection of hybridizedhapten labeled probe is done by using specific anti-haptenantibody). This procedure includes incubating the slide with amouse anti- fluorescein or digoxigenin antibody, followed bydetection of this antibody with a second antibody enzymeconjugate. After addition of an appropriate substrate for theenzyme (such as DAB, diaminobenzidine solution), a browncolored reaction product is precipitated at the location of theprobe-target hybrid. Microscopic examination of the slideprovides visual interpretation of the staining results.
Store the probe at 2-8o C. The probe is allowed to reach roomtemperature prior to use.This probe is suitable for use till expiry date when stored at 2-8°C. If reagents are stored under any conditions other thanthose specified in the package insert, they must be verified bythe user.Positive and negative controls should be run simultaneouslyfor every experiment. If unexpected staining is observed whichcannot be explained by variations in laboratory procedures anda problem with the antibody is suspected, contact BioGenexTechnical Support at 1-800-421-4149 or your localdistributor.