The BioGenex eFISH IGH Dual Color Break Apart Probe is currently available forResearch use only.eFISH IGH Dual Color Break Apart Probe is designed to be used forthe detection of translocations involving the IGHlocus at 14q32.33 in formalin-fixed,paraffin embedded tissue or cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).BioGenex eFISH IGH Dual Color Break Apart Probe comes in hybridization buffer. Theprobe contains green-labeled polynucleotides (Green:excitation at 503 nm and emission at528 nm,similar to FITC), which target sequences mapping in 14q32.33 distal to the IGHlocus, and orangelabeled polynucleotides (Orange: excitation at 547 nm and emission at572 nm, similar to rhodamine), which target sequences mapping in14q32.33 proximal tothe IGH locus.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a robust technique of cytogenetics, used forthe detection of chromosomal aberrations, presence or absence of specific DNA sequencein native context. In this technique florescent probes bind to the target sequence of DNAin chromosome. High specificity and sensitivity coupled rapid and an accurate result has proven role of FISH in both research and diagnosis of solid tumor and hematologicalmalignancies. As technique of cancer cytogenetics, FISH, can be used to identify geneticaberrations viz., deletions, amplification and translocation in tissue sections or withinindividual cells. FISH is also used for use in genetic counseling, medicine, and speciesidentification. FISH can also be used to detect and localize specific RNA targets in cells,circulating tumor cells, and tissue samples1,2,3,4,5.In FISH procedure, fixed tissue sections are pretreated to expose target DNA or mRNAsequences. An appropriately labeled probe is hybridized to the exposed target DNA ormRNA sequences in the cells. Subsequent stringent washing steps remove any probe thatis non-specifically bound to the tissue section. Subsequently slides are mounted usingDAPI/anti-fade and can be visualized under fluorescence microscope using appropriate filterset.
In Situ hybridization (ISH) allows the detection and localization of definitive nucleic acidsequences directly within a cell or tissue. High specificity is ensured through the action ofannealing of fluorescence probe nucleic acid sequence to complementary target nucleicacid sequence. ISH techniques can be used to identify genetic aberrations like deletions,amplification, and translocationin tissue sections or within individual cells.
The BioGenex eFISH IGH Dual Color Break Apart Probe must be stored at 2-8°Cprotected from light and is stable through the expiry date printed on the label.