abm’s GeneCraft-R Express CRISPR sgRNA Synthesis kit provides a simple and robust solution for the production of sgRNA in 30 minutes. This kit contains DNA polymerase, a proprietary Supermix, and an Enzyme Mix for DNA assembly andin vitrotranscription, requiring only the addition of a target-specific DNA oligo designed by the end user (instructions for oligo design are included). The target-specific oligo is annealed to the sgRNA-core oligo, and a double stranded DNA template is generated when the DNA polymerase extends the resulting oligo. The DNA template is then used to transcribe full length sgRNA in high yield.abm’s GeneCraft-R CRISPR sgRNA Synthesis Kit enables both template DNA synthesis as well as sgRNA transcription in one reaction.
sgRNAin vitrostudies
sgRNAin vitroscreening
Easy 1-step setup
Short reaction time, only 30 mins
RNaseOFF ribonuclease inhibitor included in reagents for extra protection