Use as little as 20 uL samples. Linear detection range in 96-well plate: 17 to 2000 uM lactose for colorimetric assays and 6 to 100 uM for fluorimetric assays.
Intended Use
OD570nm,or FL530/585nm
Detection Principle
6 uM
Shelf Life
6 months
For quantitative determination of lactose and evaluation of drug effects on lactose metabolism.
Xue, H et al. (2020). Lactose-induced chronic diarrhea results from abnormal luminal microbial fermentation and disorder of ion transport in the colon. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 877. Assay: Lactose in rat feces.
Snyder, N. A., Palmer, M. V., Reinhardt, T. A., & Cunningham, K. W. (2019). Milk biosynthesis requires the Golgi cation exchanger TMEM165. Joual of Biological Chemistry, 294(9), 3181-3191. Assay: Lactose in mouse skimmed milk.
Vabbilisetty, P and S Xue-Long (2014). Liposome surface functionalization based on different anchoring lipids via Staudinger ligation. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 12(8): 1237-44. Assay: Lactose in liposome.
Kwon DH et al (2012).Dietary protein restriction induces steatohepatitis and alters leptin/signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 signaling in lactating rats. J Nutr Biochem 23(7):791-9. Assay: Lactose in rat milk.
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