Binds DNA as a dimer; homodimer and heterodimer with RXRB. Interacts with NCOA7 in a ligand-inducible manner. Interacts with C1D. Interacts with NR2F6; the interaction impairs the binding of the THRB homodimer and THRB:RXRB heterodimer to T3 response elements. Interacts with PRMT2 and THRSP.
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA] OF 1-121 (ISOFORM BETA-2)
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (2.41 ANGSTROMS) OF 104-206;SUBUNIT
Reviews of ELISA Kit for Rat Thyroid hormone receptor beta