Major high molecular weight protein of desmosomes. Involved in the organization of the desmosomal cadherin-plakoglobin complexes into discrete plasma membrane domains and in the anchoring of intermediate filaments to the desmosomes.
Natural and recombinant Mouse Desmoplakin
Subcellular Location
Cell junction desmosome Cytoplasm cytoskeleton Innermost portion of the desmosomal plaque. Colocalizes with epidermal KRT5-KRT14 and simple KRT8-KRT18 keratins and VIM intermediate filaments network.
Homodimer. Interacts with COL17A1 (via cytoplasmic region). Associates (via C-terminal) with KRT5-KRT14 (via rod region), KRT8-KRT18 and VIM intermediate filaments.
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-2836;IDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRY [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS]