Oxidation of 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) into indole-5,6-quinone-2-carboxylic acid. May regulate or influence the type of melanin synthesized.
Natural and recombinant Human 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid oxidase
Subcellular Location
Melanosome membrane Single-pass type I membrane protein
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA] OF 218-465;PARTIAL PROTEIN SEQUENCE
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: INVOLVEMENT IN SHEP11;VARIANT CYS-93;ASSOCIATION OF VARIANT CYS-93 WITH BLOND HAIR