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Human Oxysterol Binding Protein Like Protein 2 - OSBPL2 ELISA Kit


Intracellular transport protein that binds sterols and phospholipids and mediates lipid transport between intracellular compartments. Increases plasma membrane cholesterol levels and decreases phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate levels in the cell membrane (PubMed:30581148). Binds phosphoinositides, such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PubMed:30581148). Exhibits strong binding to phosphatidic acid and weak binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PubMed:11279184). Binds cholesterol, dehydroergosterol, 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol (in vitro) (PubMed:17428193, PubMed:19224871, PubMed:30581148).

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