abm’s Smooth Muscle Medium Kit is a low serum medium developed for the cultivation of smooth muscle in culture. The media contains proprietary formulation of growth factors and supplements to support optimal smooth muscle cell growth. This media supports robust growth of smooth muscle cells while maintaining characteristic morphology and markers of smooth muscle cells in culture.
Cell Type
Smooth Muscle
Quality Control
Each lot has been fully tested and optimized for the ability to support the in vitro culture of smooth muscle cells. The parameters of testing include testing adherence rate, growth and typical morphology of smooth muscle cells.
The optimal storage temperature of basal media is 4-8°C. The kit components should be stored at -20°C. The media is good to use until the listed expiry date on bottle. Media expires 30 days after supplementation.
Pack Size
The kit has following components:Basal Media (500 ml)Smooth Muscle Media Kit