Safe. No radioactive material is used.Sensitive and Accurate. Detection limit of 0.1 µM and linearity up to 5 µM 2-DG6P.Simple and Convenient. Can be automated as a medium throughput assay for glucose transport in cells.
Intended Use
Detection Principle
0.1 uM
Shelf Life
6 months
Determination of glucose uptake in whole cells and evaluation of effects of ligands or drugs on glucose transport.
Liu, Meihan, et al (2019). Activation of AMPK by metformin promotes renal cancer cell proliferation under glucose deprivation through its interaction with PKM2. Inteational Joual of Biological Sciences 15.3: 617-627. Assay: Glucose uptake in human cells.
Park, Seong-Hoon, et al(2016). SIRT2-mediated deacetylation and tetramerization of pyruvate kinase directs glycolysis and tumor growth. Cancer research 76.13: 3802-3812. Assay: Glucose uptake in human cells.
Tunduguru, Ragadeepthi (2016). Regulation of skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity by PAK1. Diss. Assay: Glucose uptake in rat cells.
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