The SMN complex plays an essential role in spliceosomal snRNP assembly in the cytoplasm and is required for pre-mRNA splicing in the nucleus. STRAP may play a role in the cellular distribution of the SMN complex.
Natural and recombinant Rat Serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein
Subcellular Location
Cytoplasm Nucleus Localized predominantly in the cytoplasm but also found in the nucleus.
Part of the core SMN complex that contains SMN1, GEMIN2/SIP1, DDX20/GEMIN3, GEMIN4, GEMIN5, GEMIN6, GEMIN7, GEMIN8 and STRAP/UNRIP. Binds directly to GEMIN6 and GEMIN7. Associates with the complex in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus. Also interacts with CSDE1/UNR and MAWBP.
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: PROTEIN SEQUENCE OF 273-290;IDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRY