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AAV References

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Integrated AAV Offerings: From Cutting-Edge Products to Advanced Custom Services

Overcoming AAV Technology Challenges with Expertly Tailored Vector Design and Production 

High-quality AAV Reference Materials

In gene therapy research and development, the availability of well-characterized AAV reference materials is critical for ensuring consistency, reliability, and regulatory compliance. Both researchers and regulators, such as the FDA, emphasize the importance of using standardized AAV reference materials to achieve accurate and reproducible results. AAVnerGene provides two types of high-quality AAV reference materials: full particles and empty particles, each serving distinct roles in AAV-based studies.

AAV Standards (Full) Particles are essential reference materials for qPCR-based vector genome quantification. These particles are meticulously characterized to provide precise genome titers, well-defined full-to-empty capsid ratios, and accurate capsid titers. Such thorough characterization is vital for standardizing measurements across different experiments, ensuring data consistency, and supporting reliable outcomes in gene therapy and other AAV research applications. All full AAV reference particles are produced using AAVnerGene's unique and consistent AAVone production system, ensuring high quality and reproducibility.

In addition, AAV Empty Particles are versatile tools that play a crucial role in AAV-based gene therapy development, quality control, and fundamental research. AAVnerGene offers two types of empty particles: AAV Standards (Truly-Empty) Particles and AAV Standards (Byproduct-Empty) Particles. These well-defined empty particles are invaluable for various applications, including evaluating vector purity, optimizing production processes, and understanding the biology of AAV vectors. With these comprehensive AAV reference materials, researchers can achieve greater accuracy and confidence in their studies, advancing the field of gene therapy and beyond.

  AAV Standard References List

  AAV Standard References Capsid Genome Production Methods
 AAV Standards (Full) Particles  Regular VP1,VP2,VP3 AAV-CMV-EGFP-WPRE-hGHpolyA

AAVone system

AAV Standards (Truly-Empty) Particles  Regular VP1,VP2,VP3 No genome


AAV Standards (Byproduct-Empty) Particles  Regular VP1,VP2,VP3 Partial genomes AAVone  system

Buy  AAV Standard References

AAV Full Particles as AAV standards and references, which carrying a 2.8 kb AAV-CMV-EGFP-WPRE-hGHpA genome

 AAV Standards (Full) Particles 

AAV Full Particles as AAV standards and references, which carrying a 2.8 kb AAV-CMV-EGFP-WPRE-hGHpA genome

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Rabies Virus (RV)

AAV Standards (Truly-Empty) Particles 

AAV Standards (Truly-Empty) Particles  are intentionally created through a specialized production process that includes only the necessary components for AAV replication (e.g., mini-pHelper-AAV2). They contain no genetic material, resulting in completely empty capsids that lack the therapeutic transgene typically present in AAV vectors. 

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Rabies Virus (RV)

AAV Standards (Byproduct-Empty) Particles  

AAV Standards (Byproduct-Empty) Particles are unintentional byproducts of the standard AAV vector production process. They are not deliberately generated and may contain partial or incomplete genomes.  The key distinction between these two types of empty particles lies in their intentional generation and genetic content, which may potentially affect the purity and function of the final vector.

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AAV Services

Custom AAV Vector Design and Cloning

Expert consultation and design of custom AAV vectors tailored to your research needs.

AAV Production Services

Scalable production services from small pilot batches to large-scale bioreactor production.

AAV Purification Services

High-quality purification using state-of-the-art techniques like affinity chromatography.

AAV Quality Control and Characterization

Comprehensive quality control assays including qPCR, SDS-PAGE, and next-generation sequencing.

Preclinical Development Services

In vitro and in vivo studies to evaluate transduction efficiency, tissue tropism, and safety.

Ready-to-Use AAV Vectors

Off-the-shelf AAV vectors for standard applications and proof-of-concept studies.

Learn About Available Viruses at Biohippo

Rabies Virus (RV)

Neural Circuit Tracing

Biohippo offers a variety of viral vectors, including RV, HSV, PRV, and VSV, to replace conventional tracers with the highly efficient, more specific, and less invasive viral method.

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