Cartilage-specific proteoglycan core protein ; CSPCP ; AGC1
This proteoglycan is a major component of extracellular matrix of cartilagenous tissues. A major function of this protein is to resist compression in cartilage. It binds avidly to hyaluronic acid via an N-terminal globular region. May play a regulatory role in the matrix assembly of the cartilage.
"Complete coding sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of aggrecan of canine cartilage." Glant T.T., Adams M.E., Kwok S.X.F., Huang D., Fueloep C. Submitted (2000-04) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases
[15/1/25 17:38] Upload to ab completed in less than a minute: 1 file transferred (13.4 Kb/s) Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]